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Last Payout: Apr 30th, 2022
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Our Investment: $50.00
Payout Ratio: 1%
User's Rating: 0.0 / 0 votes
Min/Max: 1 / ∞ Lifetime: 8 days
Withdraw: Manual Monitored: 8 days
Ref: 5%, 2%, 1%
PerfectMoney Bitcoin Payeer Litecoin Ethereum Dash Tron TRC20-USDT
ISP HYIP.biz monitors.bz 58HYIP
Investment Plan
1% daily for 50 days | 2.5% daily for 40 days | 5% daily for 30 days | 10% daily for 20 days

Looking for highest returns on your investments? NINEBIT is an automatic online investment platform, part of NINEBIT – team of professional traders focusing mainly on Bitcoin and other crypto currencies trading over multiple Exchanges and markets. Thanks to the extraordinary diversification of our investments, we are able to deliver steady income for our investors. Headquartered in London in 2019, NINEBIT is already becoming the Panam's fastest growing trading company. Our name is synonymous with effective and profitable trading solutions where our investors need little to no trading experience at all. With NINEBIT, investors choose one of our four simple investment plans, make a deposit and sit back while our experts go to work. They can withdraw their profit any time and schedule withdrawals quickly and easily through our website.

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